Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nursing Cover

One of the first things I pinned on P!nterest was a Nursing Cover.  Knowing that my sister-in-law was newly pregnant, I wanted to eventually make this for her.  Well, I finally got the push I needed.  She asked me to look over her baby registry, and guess what was on it?  Yup, a nursing cover... for $23.99!  I pulled out a fabric I had bought from a local fabric store that is just more gorgeous every time I look at it.  I sat down at my sewing machine and whipped this up.  Seriously, this could not have taken more than a couple of hours.  I even lined it on the backside.  I am so dang proud of myself, because it's just so pretty.  I sure hope it'll get lots of use once the baby is here!

Side view:
 Front view:

Oh, the link to the tutorial is HERE.

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