Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rag Quilt

After making the blanket for my son, my daughter wanted one for herself, too.  I decided to try the rag quilt for her.

 There is a strip of smaller squares in the middle, because I didn't have enough fabric.  Why?  Because she wanted the stuffed goose that I showed you earlier also.  And that took quite a bit of fabric that I had originally earmarked for her quilt.

Close-up of the ruffled/ragged edges after throwing it in the washing machine after it's made.  I just love this.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nursing Cover

One of the first things I pinned on P!nterest was a Nursing Cover.  Knowing that my sister-in-law was newly pregnant, I wanted to eventually make this for her.  Well, I finally got the push I needed.  She asked me to look over her baby registry, and guess what was on it?  Yup, a nursing cover... for $23.99!  I pulled out a fabric I had bought from a local fabric store that is just more gorgeous every time I look at it.  I sat down at my sewing machine and whipped this up.  Seriously, this could not have taken more than a couple of hours.  I even lined it on the backside.  I am so dang proud of myself, because it's just so pretty.  I sure hope it'll get lots of use once the baby is here!

Side view:
 Front view:

Oh, the link to the tutorial is HERE.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Infant Carrier Cover

One of my sisters-in-law is pregnant.  Now that I've begun sewing, and have been wandering around the internet for inspirations, I cannot wait to sew some stuff for the new baby to come.  Here is my first project, an Infant Carrier Cover.  HERE is the tutorial I followed.

Why oh why didn't I do this when my kids were infants???  We were always forever trying to cover the peep hole in the carrier hood, because they were asleep most of the time.  And what we were using were cloth diapers, which would always fall off.  With this, it's velcroed on, so it would stay put.  Plus, the cover can double as a blanket, too!  Whoever came up with this idea is brilliant!

After I made this cover, I thought, oh no, what if they buy a carrier that has different measurements than the carrier we used?  Oh well.  I guess it would be an opportunity to sew another cover, then!
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