Friday, March 30, 2012

Stuffed Animal: Goose

The fabric kind, not the eating kind, lighten up, people!

Anyways, if you had checked out my other fabric projects using Stampin' Up! fabrics, you might have seen a stuffed owl I had made.  My mother-in-law thought she'd pick me up a pattern book on stuffed animals while she was in our birth country.  Glancing through the book, which has technical terms in Chinese that I don't understand, but can probably figure out.  But it takes work on my part.  Then I saw the patterns.
OMFG!  This page contains patterns for 8 different animals!  There's lines going every which way.  I swear only Chinese people would try to save paper this way.  Argh!  Well, it wouldn't be so bad if I just tucked the book away and never to be brought out again.  Except, my daughter's sharp eyes spotted it.  She saw a goose in one of the pictures.  Ever since then, she pestered me about making her a goose.  I couldn't take it anymore after 3 days and I told her I would try to figure it out.  A couple more days of her asking whether it's done, I decided I had better make something for her or this will never end.  I braved myself and tried to figure out the pattern here and drew it on my fabric.  Without reading any instructions, I tried my best to figure out how the pieces were to go together.
Well, let me tell you something, pattern following and sewing is not for birds!  I have decided I'm more of a sew a kinda-straight line and call it good kind of a sewer.  It didn't really take that long.  But it sure was difficult to move the pieces through the machine sometimes.  I probably would do it a bit differently, if I absolutely had to make it again.  Oh yeah, it has no eyes, because I didn't want to sew by hand.  All the openings were top stitched closed.  There were many slipped stitches that had to be re-done.  But it's just me being an amateur, I'm sure.  Oh well.  She LOVES this thing, and that's all a mother can ask for!

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